Thermal Bridging

______ As accredited thermal modellers, we can produce bespoke Psi-value calculations to achieve an accurate, highly efficient, and cost-effective fabric performance for new-build developments.

UK Building Standards require the insulation envelope of any heated building to be designed and constructed to limit heat loss through thermal bridging. Furthermore, Section 6 (Energy) and Part L of the Building Regulations also require thermal bridging to be taken into account as part of energy assessments. Whilst repeating thermal bridges are accounted for within U-value calculations, a separate Psi-value calculation is required to assess non-repeating thermal bridges. 

Thermal bridging accounts for 20-30% of total building heat losses, which is significant. As thermal modellers, we can work closely with clients and design teams to identify effective measures to reduce thermal bridging. This process also involves calculating the Temperature Factor for each junction, which helps to mitigate the risk of condensation and mould growth at the junction. 

As one of the first accredited thermal modellers in the UK, Carbon Futures have worked closely with a variety of clients in order to improve thermal bridging on projects.

Local Authorities and Housing Associations

Within SAP and SBEM calculations, having bespoke Psi-values available to energy assessors will not only help to improve the dwelling (DER) or building (BER) emissions rating, it will also significantly reduce the space heating energy demand; a common funding requirement of most local authorities and housing associations who aim to achieve a higher level of sustainability for their social and affordable housing stock.

Contractors and Housebuilders

We have supported many leading building contractors by producing bespoke Psi-values for their preferred methods of construction. This process involves working closely with design and procurement teams to review various aspects of the building fabric from material specification to U-value performance resulting in a highly efficient and cost-effective fabric design. 

Architects and Planners

Clients who engage with us at concept design stage have the opportunity of utilising our in-house thermally modelled construction detail packages which, when applied through SAP and SBEM calculations, can deliver up to a 50% improvement in thermal bridging performance for a typical dwelling (when compared with accredited details). This service is particularly beneficial to architects and designers who are keen to establish an accurate energy strategy from the outset.

________ How we can help?